Each summer, Lake Erie goes
through a shift in color, as the normal dark blue of the water becomes mixed
with the swirls and swaths of vibrant green from algal blooms that spread
throughout the shallower sections of the lake. This vibrant green color comes
from a population explosion of algae - known as a cyanobacterium -
which is touched off by a combination of warm waters, sunshine and an abundant
supply of nutrients. “Blooms generally
occur where there are high levels of nutrients
present, together with the occurrence of warm, sunny, calm
conditions. However, human activity often can trigger or accelerate algal
blooms. Natural sources of nutrients such as phosphorus or nitrogen compounds
can be supplemented by a variety of human activities. For example, in rural
areas, agricultural runoff from fields can wash fertilizers into the water. In
urban areas, nutrient sources can include treated wastewaters from septic
systems and sewage treatment plants, and urban storm water runoff
that carry nonpoint-source pollutants
such as lawn fertilizers.” [1] “The severity of the Algal Bloom is dependent
on the phosphorus inputs from March 1st to July 31st,
which is known as the loading season. The cause of algae blooms is complex;
water temperature, lack of agitation, rainfall and runoff from farms and lawns,
zebra mussels and the impacts of climate change all can contribute to the problem.”[2]
Farmers and the agricultural
focused agencies and industry are doing their part to address this challenge. While
the Federal Government has several sources of funding made available to the
farmers in the Basin, it’s the education component that are getting farmers to
make the change from conventional farming to conservation farming. At these events, they are learning how the
nutrients that are coming off their fields play a part in the algal
blooms. The Soil and Water Conservation Districts
along with the Indiana State Department of Agriculture have been putting on
educational events for the farmers in the Basin. Those events include field
days, trips on Lake Erie, and educational workshops for both farmers and their
The Allen County SWCD, the
Tri-State Watershed Alliance and the Soil Health Partnership organized a field
day in Harlan, IN. The field day
featured presentations on soil testing for soil health, the importance of cover
crops, what cover crops means for insurance, crop crops and herbicide
carryover, and hands on demonstration with cover crops planting equipment.
During lunch, there was a presentation on the WLEB RCPP and how farmers can
sign-up for the assistance. In addition, we asked the AG retailers, CCAs, and
farmers the amount of acres that have in the WLEB, and we had over 200,000
acres between all of them.
Steuben County SWCD partnered
with the Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative (CCSI) to hold a field day
featuring Mr. Ray Weil. Dr. Weil is a
professor of soil science at the University of Maryland and teaches farmers the
importance of soil health. The event was held at Moody Farms in Fremont,
IN. The event was a huge success and we
were able to get several conventional farmers in attendance, who were very
engaged during the soil pit session. The
more educational event we can do, the better chance we have at reducing the
amount of runoff from our soils. The
farmers in the Basin have been actively involved in conservation farming for
years. For the past few years, the farmers
in Indiana have really set the pace regarding conservation and looking at
moving their farm operation towards the systems approach to conservation
farming, where you have a suite of Best Management Practices including
in-field, edge-of-field and in-stream practices.
Dr. Ray Weils
In effort to showcase how the
State of Indiana has been working on reducing the nutrients that flow into our
waterways, we have been working on a Nutrient Reduction Strategy that will capture
present and future endeavors in Indiana, which will a positive impact on the
state’s waters. This report will be completed by the end of October 2015. Voluntary conservation efforts from private
landowners in Indiana with support from the Indiana Conservation Partnership
have reduced nutrients and sediment from entering Indiana’s waterways. Since 2013, we have reduced; 1,209,756 tons
of sediment, 2,513,693 pounds of nitrogen and 1,250,592 pounds of Phosphorus.[3]
These reductions were reduced by our farmers using Best Management Practices
such as no-till, reduced tillage, cover crops, grassed waterways, wetland
enhancement, filter strips, nutrient management and riparian buffers. The data
is collected from the Indiana Conservation Partnership and then it’s aggregated
using the USEPA’s Region 5 model to show the total nutrient and sediment
reductions. If you would like more information about Indiana’s Nutrient
Reduction Strategy, please see www.isda.in.gov
“Algal Blooms in fresh Water,” September 9, 2015, http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/A-Bi/Algal-Blooms-in-Fresh-Water.html
“USDA To Expand Investment In Water Quality within Western Lake Erie Basin,”
USDA/August 29, 2015, www.usda.gov
[3]Indiana State Department of Agriculture.
(2015). Indiana Nutrient and Sediment
Load Reductions. [Flyer] NP
Thank you for all that you do!