Friday, May 15, 2015

State Soil Conservation Board visits Culver, IN

By Geneva Tyler

On May 12, 2015 the State Soil Conservation Board held their most recent meeting at the Vandalia Depot, located in Culver, IN, which was an active train station up until 1947. 

Culver, IN is located adjacent to Lake Maxinkuckee, the 2nd largest natural lake in Indiana, second only to Lake Wawasee.  Lake Maxinkcukee is “a 1,864 acre kettle lake located in the southwest corner of Marshall County…and was formed approximately 15,000 years ago by the receding glaciers”.  The lake is fed by 21 underground springs and maintains clarity to a depth of about 20 feet.  ( 

Following the meeting, those in attendance were privy to a special presentation by Kathy Clark, Executive Director of the Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Council (LMEC), and Allen Chesser, Chairman of the LMEC.  Kathy and Allen shared the rich history of the lake which dates back to the Ice Age as well as current efforts to keep the lake healthy for future generations.  The LMEC works closely with Culver Academy and agencies within the Indiana Conservation Partnership to implement soil and water conservation practices vital to maintaining the water quality that makes Lake Maxinkuckee so inviting.  Constructed wetlands have been created at critical areas in the lake’s watershed to help filter incoming surface waters.  In addition, various urban practices are encouraged on residential sites directly surrounding the lake.  These urban efforts may include rain barrels, rain gardens and maintaining as much green space as possible on individual lots.  The LMEC is also an educational resource for the watershed and provides continuous information to landowners in the area regarding lake ecology, nutrient management and water quality.

We thank the Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Council for their conservation efforts and for their hospitality!”

Monday, May 4, 2015

Conservation Districts assist local contractors with NRCS guidelines

By: Jennifer Thum (ISDA) 

Indiana’s Soil and Water Conservation Districts are responsible for the review of erosion and sediment control plans that are submitted to them.  The purpose of the Rule 5 general permit is to establish requirements to protect state waters from adverse effects of stormwater discharge from construction activities.  Each district is unique on how they handle the erosion permit review process.  In the northeast portion of the state, there are some districts that handle all the reviews and site inspections, some just review the plans, and some rely on the Indiana Department of Environmental Management to review the plans.  Like any relationship, communication is the key to make sure both parties understand their role in what is required of them.  In order to make the review process easier on both the contractors and SWCD staff, several northeast SWCDs organized and held “contractor breakfasts” during the first quarter of this year.

The Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Miami, Howard, and Wabash hosted a Contractors Workshop on Thursday, February 12th, held in Peru.  This workshop featured information on drainage water management, Bio-reactors, 2-stage ditches and rip-rap, as well as pre-construction and Installation Guidance.  One of the highlights was Amie Lester, NRCS CDT Leader and Engineer.  Amie talked about the rip-rap sizing and the problems that they were having with the rock specifications and the local quarries.  Amie told the audience what size rock to specifically ask for when they are working on an NRCS project.  Duane Riethman, NRCS NE Area Engineer talked about drainage water management, bio-reactors, and showed some before and after pictures of a farm field where a 2-stage ditch was installed.

Figure 1: Contractors’ listening to Duane Riethman, NRCS.
Picture taken by Sarah Lake, ISDA

Figure 2: Contractors' listening to Amie Lester, NRCS.
Picture taken by Sarah Lake, ISDA

The Soil and Water Conservation Districts and Stormwater Management Partners of Elkhart, Kosciusko and St. Joseph hosted a spring contractor workshop on February 24th in Nappanee.  That workshop featured topics on “Why is Erosion Control Important?” and “Financing Erosion Control.”  The contractors heard from Dr. Nathan Bosch on why erosion control is so important to our safety and welfare.

Both events were a HUGE success and the contractors in the room walked away with knowledge and a better understanding of the SWCDs role in the construction world.  In addition, both events had ample time for the contractors to speak with the Rule 5 reviewers.